Monday, July 7, 2014

Funny Things My Kids Say......

Cell Phones -  My  daughter and her friends were talking one day about how it was a tragedy that they did not have cell phones.  I asked them, "what would you do with them?"  Without missing a beat, they said, "talk to each other".  I said "Yeah, but you are doing that now..."    To which they replied - "yeah, but we can't text right now."    How could I have been so mistaken?  Ha ha

Snacks I was going to take a new job and broke the news to my kids.  My son, looking very distressed said, "I have one question - do they have snacks?"  Puzzled, I said, "Snacks?" and then I realized he was talking about the vending machine at my workplace where he had bought a snack once during a visit.  Ah, the simplicity of kids.  If only work questions were as simple as "Do you have snacks?"

As always - thanks for connecting.  :)

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